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A member registered Feb 14, 2022

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ahhhh cool um did you pay him and could you ask him if I can use them if it is okay with you

not all the sprite come from cup nooble asset pack did you make them or find them somewhere

could you send me the game when you are done if you are making it public

you can use as long as you give me credit but make sure to also give credit to Cup nooble because i just modified his spritesheet! wen giving credit just say Tukoni_tribe on

okay and sorry if when I give my ideas I sound like forcing and rushing I know that everybody has other stuff to do so take your time

I used the same palette that you gave out

You're welcome! Also, if I have new ideas if you want I could share them!


ok thanks

I modified the sprite sheet to make a different character called Mila! Definitely using her in my game that I am making with these assets!

what tilemap program did you use

tu danajah!

also for a future update you could add seasons

in the next update you should add seasons

Thanks so much you are a very big inspo your style is so cute and clean it looks so perfect! (: In one of the next updates could you make some hats and clothing that fit on the player and also a sort of pet that has walking animations and can follow you around and thanks again! ( this is the best asset pack I've found on )

I used the unity tilemaps for what you see in the image ( it works very well )

sorry is this is not what you meant

okay thanks

This is a really nice game good job (:  I also have a question: what program/online thing did you use to make the level/tilemap

You can make ponds by using the edge tiles on the opposite side

These assets are so cute and easy to use I love the good quality and also what program did you use to make the pixelart? 

Does this apply for the other sprout lands pack?

If I buy this do I need to repay if I want the updates?